Family Law

The breakdown of a relationship is never an easy time for those involved. You'll need sensitive, professional advice to make matters as straight forward as possible. Kenneth Jones has an experienced team of family solicitors and can provide legal advice to individuals involved in disputes relating to marriage and families. We offer a free half hour consultation to all new clients wanting advice about divorce, separation, children disputes in divorce and financial claims.
The team specialise in family and matrimonial law.
Some of the areas we can assist with include:
- Divorce
- Children
- Separation
- Resolving Finance
- Mediation
- Collaborative Process
- Prenuptial / Financial Agreements
- Injunctions
- Change of Name
- Civil Partnerships
£700 plus vat fixed price divorce
We can't take the drama out of divorce but we can make it a little more affordable.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully •When you instruct us we will be acting for you as either the Petitioner or the Respondent, the offer is only applicable to un-defended divorce proceedings in England and Wales (The Petitioner is the person who is bringing the proceedings, the Respondent is the person against whom the petition is issued).
What's included?
•Advising you in meetings and correspondence throughout
•Writing to you and the other side, dealing with necessary telephone calls to/from you and the other side
•The costs of us drafting the Divorce Petition and Statement of Arrangements for Children (you will have to approve these documents) or
•Advising you as the Respondent upon the contents of the Petition and Statement of Arrangements and assisting in completing the paperwork to move forward.
•When acting on behalf of the Petitioner; drafting the Affidavit in support of the Petition and making the application for the Court to consider the papers for the Decree Nisi and applying for the Decree Nisi when appropriate
What's not included?
•Any work that is necessary if the Petition become defended or needs to be altered (amended) once it has been issued by the Court
•Any Enquiry Agents fees if the papers have to be served personally on the Respondent and subsequent applications to the Court relating to service
•The fee for obtaining a copy Marriage Certificate
•Any advice and proceedings concerning property, finance and children (beyond the initial free ½ hour interview we offer all clients)
Court Fees (see below):
•Any costs of the other party if ordered or directed.
What you will have to pay if you are the petitioner in addition to £600 plus VAT
•The Court fee of £550 payable on issuing your divorce petition
•The fee for swearing your affidavit (sworn statement) in support of the divorce petition, this will be £5.00 to £9.00 depending upon the documents which need to be exhibited
Can you as the petitioner ask for costs from the respondent?
During Divorce Proceedings the Court as a matter of discretion can order that the other party contributes towards the cost of the Divorce. This may cover some or all of the fees which you incur under this fixed costs offer but any Order for Costs made in your favour may have to be enforced for which there will be a separate charge and does not remove your liability to pay us for our legal costs which you have incurred.
This department is led by Omair Hussain. He is a Solicitor specialising in private client, family law and commercial work. Together with the team, he will be able to guide you through the process and offer you the most effective solutions
Who will carry out the work
- Director assisted by Solicitor
- Solicitor assisted by a paralegal
- All work is supervised by a Director